Entertainment according to the age of each child
Babysitting service: Entertainment according to the age of each child
Children have an imagination without limits. This is a mixture between fantasy and the magic of being a child.
How many times have you seen a child having more fun with the packaging than with the toy itself?
Children are natural and spontaneous and although they can entertain themselves with a piece of paper, they always have to be watched (from a first or second plane) from what and with whom they play. For each age there is a type of game or toy.
For this reason, our nannies know what kind of entertainment are suitable for each occasion and thus to encourage the learning at the stage of more stimulation of life.
Games for babies from 0 to 12 months
The sensory is the most outstanding as they begin to attend to the different bodily functions that mainly affect the mouth and the eyes. Then they continue with the head, hands and legs.
They begin to acquire balance, so they begin to be able to sit down. They have fun repeating the same action over and over again. With this he realizes that he is the one who performs the action and becomes aware of his protagonism. Self-affirmation begins.
From 1 to 2 years
In this stage the role of stimulation is very important. Children are authentic explorers and everything they discover is for themselves. They begin to recognize themselves physically, they learn to ask and they gain autonomy in addition to giving their first steps.
For this age, the ideal ones are aquatic toys, or they can be dragged, also the cubes or blocks to form towers or figures that can fit together. All these pieces always of a size that is not dangerous for them since they tend to get everything they touch to the wedding, nose and ears.
Books are always interesting. They will be small print with large and colorful drawings that they can already recognize, as well as light and resistant so that they can manipulate them themselves.
From 2 to 4 years
They love to experiment with colors, paint, draw lines, circles … In addition to start playing with balls, planes or toy cars and get on their first tricycle
They begin a relationship between the motor and the symbolic that will lead to imitation, in which they relive past experiences that
have been rewarding. These imitation games are related to the family and social environment that surrounds the child. Even at this stage the game is individual, not shared, although he likes to have someone with him who makes a simple physical company.
From 4 to 6 years
From the age of 4 they start sharing games with other children. Interact and love to invent stories. An imaginary world in which you will always be invited.
In this stage the imagination is a good entertainment since two cushions, placed in their own way, can be their enormous castle and the floor the same sky where they can fly, uploaded to the carpet of the corridor. They love to dress up and share everything that comes to mind. They will put on your heels and use your tie as a flying cloak …
The crafts, table games, dexterity, riddles, skates, bicycles, dolls, etc., fall within the wide range of games or entertainment for their age.
The best thing is that they know they are not alone, they can play with you, with the neighbor or simply read a book that assesses their understanding.
But always and throughout their growth cycle we must warn them of the dangers of playing outdoors: roads, swimming pools, lakes, rivers, the sea, strangers to avoid unnecessary shocks. They should always have the supervision of an adult, be it a relative, teacher or a nanny.
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