Satisfaction survey

Thanks a lot for for trusting MissBabysitter!

We would be most grateful if you could give us your feedback on the service received and leave us a comment on the highlights of the service. This mark and comment will be published on our website.

Here below are some more specific questions that should not take you more tan 5 minutes to respond. Thanks a million in advance! : )

1. General rate for the babysitter
Please, rate the babysitter that worked for you from 1 to 5 (being 1 the lowest and 5 de highest mark)
and leave us a comment on the highlights of the service.

2. Punctuality
Was your babysitter on time? Please, rate the punctuality of the babysitter from 1 to 5 (being 1 the lowest and 5 de highest mark)

3. Kindness
Was your babysitter kind? Please, rate the kindness of the babysitter from 1 to 5.

4. Languaje level (if applicable)
How was your babysitter’s languaje level? Please, rate the languaje level of the babysitter from 1 to 5.

5. Relationship with the child /children
How was the relationship with the child/children? Please, rate the relationship built with your child/children from 1 to 5.

6. What is your overall level of satisfaction?
Please, rate the overall service received from 1 to 5.

7. Would you recommend MissBabysitter to your friends? Why?

Thanks very much for your time. We are working to provide our customers a better service every day.
